Saudi Abstract Artist
Maysa Suliman
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Maysa Suliman, born and raised in Al Hassa, Based in Alkhobar.A devoted artist in Multidisciplinarywith exquisite skill and agility.I thrive for uniqueness and rarenessin the globe, merging scientificconcepts with artistic expression.As my background holds a master’sdegree in physics and mathematics.My work is the perfect harmony ofform, function, and innovation.Exploring the interplay between artand science.Through my pieces, I thrive to fathomthe complexities of the universe anddecipher the intricacies of humanexistence.Another aspiration is to evoke a senseof wonder and challenge conventionalnorms, all while showcasing ofvirtuosity and boundless imagination.With every stroke of my brush I invitethe world to contemplate theintricacies of our realm and attemptto inspire them to rethink theirperceptions of reality.With every detail of my art work Iinvite viewers to contemplate theintricacies of our world and inspirethem to rethink their perceptions ofreality.